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The Pilgrim Path (9-15-2020)

The Pilgrim Path---First Timothy 6: 6—10

“But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.”


Do you possess your things? Could it be, that they possess you? Sometime late in High School, I had this “moment” where I realized that I was simply too captivated by the coin collection I had amassed. I would take it “all” out and stack it up and gaze at it--- for unhealthy periods of time---wondering about, “the next acquisition of Walking Liberty Silver Dollars? Would they be Brilliant Uncirculated? And how rare would the Mint designations be? AND---how much would they be worth in a year? Would I be able to bargain for enough $ 5.00 Gold Pieces?” Well, you get the picture. What had started innocently enough in seventh grade---became “all consuming.” You may have dealt with coins and never had a problem. For me---I had to let it go. It got the best of me.

I often think of the exhortation of the late Dr. Jack Scott on this passage. He reminded us that the Apostle Paul said---“be content with food and coverings” (I Tim. 6: 3). My problem is, sometimes I am not willing to travel that lightly through this Ole World. It is Holy Spirit guidance. The Spirit goes on to say, “tell the rich---not to be haughty / but to do good with their stuff” (I Tim. 6: 17, 18). The “rich folk” are those who simply have more than they need: that is most of us. So, I need to learn a great deal more about satisfaction and about being a channel of God’s blessing to those in need around me. That is why we are here: For God’s glory and the good of soul’s benefit in the Name of Jesus. Help Me Living Christ to remember!


A Tax Assessor came one day to a poor minister of the Gospel to determine the amount of taxes he would have to pay. “What do you possess?” he questioned.

“Oh, I am very wealthy,” replied the minister.

“List your possessions, please,” the assessor instructed.

“The man of God replied: “First, I have everlasting life---John 3: 16.”

“Second, I have a mansion in Heaven---John 14: 2”

“Third, I have peace that passeth understanding---Philippians 4: 7”

“Fourth, I have divine love that never fails---I Corinthians 13: 8”

“Fifth, I have joy unspeakable---I Peter 1: 8”

“Sixth, I have a faithful, pious wife---Proverbs 31: 10”

“Seventh, I have healthy, obedient children---Exodus 20: 12”

“Eighth, I have true, loyal friends---Proverbs 18: 24”

“Ninth, I have songs in the night---Psalm 42: 8”

“Tenth, I have a Crown of Life Awaiting---James 1: 12”

The Tax Collector closed his book and said, “Truly, you are a very rich man, but your property is not subject to taxation!”


It was reported that eleven millionaires went down on the Titanic. Major A. H. Peuchen left $300,000.00 in money, jewelry, and securities in a box in his cabin. “The money seemed a mockery at the time,” he later said. “I picked up three oranges instead.”

From George Swinnock: That which is uncertain is no fit foundation for trust. The whole world is a sea of glass and yields no good footing. Trust must have a sure bottom; it must be the quiet repose of the soul in the hands of an almighty God and an immutable good. If I said to gold, “you are my hope,” I would have denied trust in God! Trust is the fairest respect we can give to God. We need to keep the world at a due distance. To trust God in adversity is honorable, but to trust him in prosperity is heroical!

“No, it isn’t enough for you to scorn riches, unless you follow Christ as well. And he alone follows Christ who lets go of his sins, and walks hand-in-hand with uprightness.” St. Jerome

Grace and Peace in Jesus Christ Our Risen LORD, Pastor Jason