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The Pilgrim Path (8-16-2020)

The Pilgrim Path---Mark 8: 11—13 (8—16—20)

The Pharisees came and began to argue with him, seeking from him a sign from heaven to test him. And he sighed deeply in his spirit and said, “Why does this generation seek a sign? Truly, I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation.” And he left them, got into the boat again, and went to the other side.


In the passage before us the Religionists ask for some attesting miracle to give validity to the teaching ministry of the LORD Jesus Christ. Interestingly, he had just fed over 4,000 people with a few small fish and seven loaves of bread (an attesting miracle of wondrous proportions). These simple verses reveal the fact that most of the Pharisees did not like the teaching ministry of Jesus---as the common people testified: Jesus does not instruct as our teachers, but as one with authority. And the LORD Jesus in His clear teaching, had even made it apparent that Pharisees needed a Savior---just like all other men. This made many Pharisees terribly angry (they were doing simply fine before the LORD Jesus arrived). Jesus’ miracles---seal the powerful teaching ministry He brought to bear in the world. We must remember: The LORD Jesus taught the Word---and “is” the Word made flesh. Would He have ever performed enough “wonders” to satisfy the curiosity of unconverted religious people?

From Dr. William Hendriksen: Jesus had filled the land with “infallible proofs” (cf. Acts 1: 3) of the fact that he was indeed the One who had been sent by the Father, as predicted by the prophets. These signs had been of various kinds: restoration of the handicapped, healing of the sick, cleansing of the lepers, stilling of the waves, feeding of the hungry, and even raising of the dead. Asking for still another sign was clearly an insult. It implied that the miracles already performed were insufficient as credentials. So, it was no wonder that Jesus greeted the request for a sign by sighing deeply in his spirit. Deeply, because the hardness of heart revealed by this request wounded him sorely.

“The feeling which our LORD Jesus Christ here expressed, will always be the feeling of all true Christians. Grief over the sins of others is one leading evidence of true grace. The man who is really converted, will always regard the unconverted with pity and concern. This was the mind of David: “I beheld the transgressors and was grieved” (Psalm 119: 158). J. C. Ryle

What about The Word? The Teaching of The Word? The Preaching of The Word? The Study of The Word? Meditation upon The Word? What is our attitude toward the Word of God?

What do We do with The Word?
Discount the Word
Ignore the Word
Minimize the Word
Cherry pick the Word
Judge the Word
Mock the Word
Replace the Word
Give lip-service to the Word
Hate the Word
Be lukewarm toward the Word
Place our reason above the Word
Reduce the Word
Forget the Word

We have more than the Law and the Prophets---we have the complete revelation of God (the Library of the Holy Spirit, as John Bunyan called the Bible).

“Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law. I am a sojourner on the earth; hide not your commandments from me!” Psalm 119: 18, 19

“All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever.” And this is the good news that was preached to you… First Peter 1: 24, 25

“The Word is the cabinet in which your Savior, that pearl of infinite price, is found; and therefore, you are commanded to look into it (John 5: 39). You should search as a covetous man does for silver. If you are a child of God I do not doubt that you delight to look into your heavenly Father’s will, and weigh every word in it, knowing that it is a great legacy bequeathed to you. It is your daily companion and counsellor; you dare not go without this cordial, being liable every day to faint; nor be without this weapon, being called every hour to fight.” George Swinnock

Word of the ever-living God,
Will of His glorious Son:
Without Thee how could earth be trod,
Or heaven itself be won?

Lord, grant us all aright to learn
The wisdom it imparts,
And to its heavenly teaching turn,
With simple, childlike hearts.

Bernard Barton (1784—1849)

Grace and Peace in Jesus Christ Our Risen LORD, Pastor Jason