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The Pilgrim Path (1-3-2021)

The Pilgrim Path---Second Timothy 3: 14—17

But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.


The Apostle Paul gives Timothy advice that is applicable to every Christian: continue in what you have learned. This fine young minister had been taught God’s truth by his mother and grandmother. Much of what he learned initially would have been from the Old Testament Scriptures. He then was shown how Jesus “is” the Christ of God. He had his heart opened by the Spirit---so he could call upon the Savior in faith believing. Then came a call to ministry. But we must recognize that all disciples are called to be life-time-learners of Holy Scripture. As the fine Reformed Baptist, B. H. Carroll used to say, “everyday has its line.” There is always something to take note of---from the treasure---that is God’s Word!

---As Calvin used to say, “the Scripture is the voice of God”---we must be reading it---to hear the LORD and His truth…

---Devotional Guides have their place---But there is nothing like reading the Bible itself. It can be difficult to read “through” the Bible---but there are guides for the Year. I believe you may still find Robert Murray McCheyne’s Guide online. It has you alternate Old Testament---New Testament readings everyday---which is helpful. George Muller said he read through the Bible over fifty (50) times ---after he was 50 years old. That probably explains his ability to trust the LORD in virtually every situation. The Bible is the sword of the Spirit---and he learned how to handle it well---in every circumstance of life.

From James Montgomery Boice: The question for us is---do we believe that the Bible is the written Word of God? It is popular to doubt this teaching; hence, the great confusion that exists in theology and in the Christian church. But the doubt is not new. In fact, it is the most fundamental and original of all doubts, for it is found on the lips of Satan in the earliest chapters of the Bible: {The serpent} said to the woman, ‘Did God really say, “You must not eat from any tree in the garden”?’” (Gen. 3: 1). This is the first question mark in the punctuation of the Bible; it marks an invitation to doubt the Word of God. The doubt is still heard. But the questions are: Can God be trusted? Is the Word he has given to us truly his Word? Do we believe this without any mental reservations? If we do question the Word of God and if we have mental reservations as to its authority, we will never be interested in true Bible study nor will we come into the fullness of that wisdom concerning God and ourselves that is God’s desire for us. On the other hand, if we do accept these truths, then we will find the Bible to be our chief delight, we will want to study it, and we will grow in knowledge and devotion…

From J. I. Packer: …more often the decisions we have to make seem circumstantially quite distant from anything we read in the Bible; so how may we find God’s guidance in those cases? The clue lies in the fact that Scripture contains God’s commands, which establish parameters and set limits for all our behavior. As God’s promises give direction to all our hopes, so God’s commands direct us in establishing attitudes and policies with regard to every aspect and department of our life activities…

From John Chrysostom: If you want to learn anything, you can find it out from the Scriptures. If Paul wrote in this way to Timothy, who overflowed with the Spirit, how much more does he write this way to us!


Holy Bible, book divine,

Precious treasure, thou art mine;

Mine to tell me whence I came;

Mine to teach me what I am.

Mine to comfort in distress,

Suffering in this wilderness;

Mine to show, by living faith,

Man can triumph over death.

John Burton (1773-1822)

Grace and Peace in Jesus, the Only Redeemer of broken and wretched souls, Pastor Jason