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The Pilgrim Path (10-31-2020)

The Pilgrim Path---Romans 1: 16, 17

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written,

“The righteous shall live by faith.”


When you study world history you find out that Martin Luther was more than a blip. On the face of things, you would not have figured that an Augustinian Monk would have caused so serious a shakeup in every sphere of human endeavor---But he did. That was not his intention. He was trying to make his peace with God. The Almighty seemed a most awful being---too terrible to care about humanity---all to ready to strike us down for the least offense---and Luther knew he had committed, “many sins.” He followed the spiritual practices assigned his “order” in the Church---in hopes of finding peace: prayer, fasting, night watches, and self-mortification. He used to say, “If ever a monk got to heaven by monkery, I would have gotten there.” But he found no peace.

Luther found a wise mentor in Johann von Staupitz, Doctor of Divinity, and Vicar-General of the Augustinian convents in Germany. He told Luther that the Law of God was used by the Holy Spirit to reveal our sinfulness---the blessed LORD Jesus is “beneath” the Law---fulfilling it---we must love Christ---who gives us grace to love God above all things. This was a “first” cause of light within Luther. Then---the powerful influence of the letters of the Apostle Paul. It was Staupitz who pressed Luther to earn the Doctoral Degree---and in so doing, he became more and more familiar with the TEXT of Holy Scripture. Luther was “captivated” by Romans 1: 17---“the righteous shall live by faith.” The light of heaven pierced his heart and mind: By the sole instrument of faith in God’s Son---By His bloody death, burial, and resurrection---All who rest in Him alone for salvation are justified before the Holy God of Heaven! “I receive Christ as my righteousness By Faith Alone.” Nothing was ever the same for Luther----or for the Church. The Protest began…

Formal testimony to this “conflict” would arise on OCTOBER 31, 1517---when Luther would “post” his 95 Theses on the castle-church at Wittenberg, about indulgences---and public discussion was invited. THIS is how it was done…

Indulgences were formal Church documents being “sold” for the forgiveness of sins (it just so happened that Albert of Mainz--- wanted to be a Bishop and Pope Leo X said he would be more inclined to grant such a desire--- if Albert could provide monies for the building of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome---read about this). This concept of “indulgences” seemed beneficial to several party’s soul concerns---AND would handle a Pope’s building plans. Just think: special meetings in the Town Square where you can “buy” forgiveness of sins? Sanctioned by the Church of the day? The Rev. Dr. Luther was to say the least, “angry.” Souls were being misled.

The publication of the 95 Theses would lead to the Diet of Worms---where Luther would have to defend himself before the official authorities of the Church. His defenders would have to “hurry” him away to protect his life. Luther was “cast out “of the Roman Catholic Church. Here are a few of Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses. I will “list” them by the actual number---in case you want to look them up and do some further study on your own:

---# 1---When our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ says, “Repent ye,” etc., he means that the entire life of the faithful should be a repentance.

---# 6---The pope cannot forgive any sin; he can only declare and confirm God’s forgiveness. He can remit cases reserved to himself, but, if they be despised, the sin remains.

---# 27---They preach human folly who preach that as soon as money in the coffer rings a soul from purgatory springs.

---# 33---We must be very wary of those who say that the pope’s pardon is that inestimable gift of God by which man is reconciled to God.

---# 36---Every Christian who truly repents has forgiveness both of punishment and guilt bestowed on him, even without letters on indulgence.

---# 52---It is vain to trust in letters of indulgence for salvation even though the commissioner of indulgences or the pope himself should pledge his soul as a guarantee.

---# 56---The treasures of the Church, out of which the pope distributes indulgences, are neither sufficiently mentioned nor known among Christ’s people.

---# 72---But whoever guards against the wanton and shameless words of the preachers of indulgences, let him be blessed.

---# 86---Why does not the pope build the cathedral of St. Peter with his own money rather than with that of poor believers, because his wealth now exceeds that of the richest Croesus?

---# 93---And farewell to those prophets who say to the people of Christ: “Cross, cross,” when there is no cross.

---# 94---We should admonish Christians to strive to follow Christ, their Head, through punishment, death, and hell.

---# 95---And so let them set their trust on entering heaven through many tribulations rather than through some false security and peace.

A man---but a Man for the Ages---Martin Luther / Protestant Reformer…


Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing;

Were not the right man on our side, the man of God’s on choosing;

Dost ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is he, Lord Sabaoth his Name,

From age to age the same, and he must win the battle.

Based on Psalm 46

Martin Luther, 1529

Grace and Peace in Jesus Christ, the only Redeemer of broken and wretched souls, Pastor Jason