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The Pilgrim Path (11-1-2020)

The Pilgrim Path---Colossians 3: 16

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thanksgiving in your hearts to God.”

LUTHER---Changed by THE WORD…

It seemed appropriate on this first Sabbath in November, to let Martin Luther speak. Once he was converted by the sovereign grace of God, it became apparent that he was a vastly different man. Here is a series of quotes from Luther on a variety of topics:

The Holy Scripture is the highest and best of books, abounding in comfort under all afflictions and trials.

We ought not to criticize, explain, or judge the Scriptures by our mere reason, but diligently, with prayer, meditate thereon, and seek their meaning.

The Bible is the book that makes fools of the wise of this world; it is only understood by the plain and simple hearted.

The Holy Scripture itself is certain and true; God grant me grace to catch hold of its just use.

The kingdom of Christ is a kingdom of grace, mercy, and all comfort.

No man understands the Scriptures, unless he be acquainted with the cross.

We should always be ready when God knocks, prepared to take our leave of this world like Christians.

We cannot vex the devil more than by teaching, preaching, singing, and talking of Jesus.

The right, practical divinity is this: Believe in Christ, and do thy duty in that state of life to which God has called thee.

The faith toward God in Christ must be sure and steadfast, that it may solace and make glad the conscience, and put it to rest. When a man has this certainty, he has overcome the serpent.

Truly, if God were to give an account to everyone of His works and actions, He were but a poor, simple God.

When God contemplates some great work, He begins it by the hand of some poor, weak, human creature, to whom He afterwards gives aid.

Ah, how impious and ungrateful is the world, thus to condemn and persecute God’s ineffable grace!

He that can humble himself earnestly before God in Christ, has already won.

Without Christ, God will not be found, known, or comprehended.

If a man serves not God only, then surely, he serves the devil.

He must be of a high and great spirit that undertakes to serve people in body and soul, for he must suffer the utmost danger and un-thankfulness.

God only, and not wealth, maintains the world; riches merely make people proud and lazy.

For my part, I am a poor sinner, and that I am sure out of God’s Word.

All the wisdom of the world is childish foolishness in comparison with the acknowledgment of Christ.

I have lived to see the greatest plague on earth---the condemning of God’s word, a fearful thing, surpassing all other plagues in the world.

If I were addicted to God’s Word at all times alike, and always had such a love and desire thereunto as sometimes I have, then should I account myself the most blessed man on earth.

The Word is sure, and fails not, though heaven and earth should pass away.

We are but the instruments or assistants, by whom God works.

For they who think they make an end of temptation by yielding to it, only set themselves on fire for the more.

Although we cannot all be writers, we all want to be critics.

The god of this world is riches, pleasure, and pride, wherewith it abuses all the creatures and gifts of God.


From depths of woe I raise to thee the voice of lamentation;

LORD, turn a gracious ear to me and hear my supplication:

If thou iniquities dost mark, our secret sins and misdeeds dark,

O who shall stand before thee?

From Psalm 130

Martin Luther, 1523

Grace and Peace in Jesus Christ, the Only Redeemer of broken and wretched souls, Pastor Jason