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The Pilgrim Path (11-14-2020)

The Pilgrim Path---Isaiah 61: 10

“My soul shall be joyful in my God; for He hath clothed me with the garments of salvation.”


In this age of deceit, disinformation, treachery, conspiratorial bombast, misrepresentation, encouraged revenge, character assassination, egregious lies, and bunk--- passing for fact---I thought I would once again post the testimony of Saint Gregory Of Nyssa (335—394). He was one of the leading Cappadocian Fathers (Greek) of the early church. Our culture is a testament to what happens when you focus upon people---your culture becomes corrupt, dysfunctional, and putrid (downright sickening at times). God Help Us All. “Glance at your problems---Gaze at the LORD Jesus Christ.”

Here is a good piece from Gregory, “Let Us Sing unto God”

You, LORD, are truly the pure, eternal Wellspring of Kindness,

Who justly turned away from us, and then in compassion had mercy on us.

You hated, and then were reconciled; You cursed, and now You bless.

You cast us from Paradise and called us back.

You stripped away our fig leaves, a crude garment, clothing us with costly attire.

You opened the prison and freed the condemned.

You sprinkled us with fresh water, washing us from our filth.

No longer will Adam be ashamed when You call him,

Nor hide himself, condemned by his conscience, trembling in the foliage of Paradise.

No longer will the fiery sword surround Paradise,

Barring the entrance to those who approach.

All has become joy for us, the heirs of sin:

Humanity may walk in Paradise, indeed heaven itself!

Creation, earth, and heaven alike, once divided, is united in friendship!

We join in the angels’ song, worshipping with them in praise of God!

For all these things, let us sing to God that joyful hymn,

Sung loudly, long ago, by Spirit-touched lips:

Let my soul rejoice in the LORD! He has clothed me with salvation’s robe,

And the garment of joy: He has put a miter on me as on a bridegroom,

And adorned me with ornaments as a bride (Isaiah 61: 10, Septuagint)

He who adorns the bride is Christ, who is, and was, and shall be,

Blessed now and forever more. Amen.


Jesus shall reign wherever the sun

Does his successive journeys run;

His kingdom stretch from shore to shore,

Till moons shall wax and wane no more.

Based on Psalm 72

Isaac Watts, 1719

Grace and Peace in Jesus, the Only Redeemer of broken and wretched souls, Pastor Jason