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The Pilgrim Path (12-21-2020)

The Pilgrim Path---First John 4: 10, 19

In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins…

We love because he first loved us.


The reason we get to glory, the reason we get Christmas--- the reason we are accepted within the beloved---because--- HE first loved us. The Great God of mercy and might---determined to set His affection upon us in Jesus. He sent his Son to bear in His body and soul---the wrath of the Almighty for us. The soul that sins---shall die! The LORD Jesus said, “I will take all the transgressions of my people---all of them.” Before we cared---He cared--- past understanding for us! No wonder the Beloved Apostle John writes, “this is LOVE…”

We do not sing this Advent Hymn often, but it is worthy of our contemplation,

“Within a Crib My Savior Lay”

Within a crib my Savior lay,

A wooden manger filled with hay,

Come down for love on Christmas Day:

All glory be to Jesus!

Upon a cross my Savior died,

To ransom sinners, crucified,

His loving arms still open wide:

All glory be to Jesus!

A victor’s crown my Savior won,

His work of love and mercy done,

The Father’s high ascended Son:

All glory be to Jesus!

Timothy Dudley-Smith, 1968

“His love goes before ours (I John 4: 10). The Father loves his child when the child does not know him, much less love him! He loved us while we were sinners (Romans 5: 8). Not only when we had done no good, but when we were in our blood, he loved us. It appeared when we were foolish and disobedient! It did not appear because we are better than others, but because he in himself is infinitely good. Never would the creature turn his affections toward God, but the heart of God was first set upon him!” John Owen

“Love is an exotic; it is not a plant which will flourish naturally in human soil, it must be watered from above. Love to Jesus is a flower of a delicate nature, and if it received no nourishment but that which could be drawn from the rock of our hearts it would soon wither. As love comes from heaven, so it must feed on heavenly bread. It cannot exist in the wilderness unless it be fed by manna from on high. Love must feed on love. The very soul and life of our love to God is His love to us.” Charles Haddon Spurgeon

“Consider the unchangeableness of God’s love. This gives a sure anchor and comfort to a true believer in a storm! It is an everlasting, inseparable, invincible, and unquenchable love.” William Cooper


You who are the light of the minds that know you,

The life of the souls that love you,

And the strength of the thoughts that seek you;

Help us to know you

That we may truly love you,

So to love you

That we may fully serve you,

Whose service is perfect freedom,

Through Jesus Christ our LORD. Amen.

Augustine (354—430)

Grace and Peace in Jesus, the Only Redeemer of broken and wretched souls, Pastor Jason