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The Pilgrim Path (7-21-2021)

The Pilgrim Path---Galatians 5: 19—21

Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God


When I was growing up in the early 60’s it was customary for most people to keep their “fleshly” compulsions and appetites under wraps. There was a perception about accepted “public norms” in culture. Then, came “Free Love---and Free Expression.” Some would say many of those people from the late 50’s and early 60’s---they were just frauds---hiding behind some veneer of respectability. Well, maybe a “fraction” of them might have been. But it was a different America. Core values based upon Holy Scripture meant something to many of our citizens. And many people would have been “ashamed” to have contradicted the moral fabric of the Ten Commandments within the Public Square. Things have changed---in a most heart-breaking manner. Over the course of my ministry, I have (like many of you) seen this Republic change. So disturbingly, I have watched the “church” get caught up in the “works of the flesh.” This is an age-old battle. At times we seem to think it is “cute” to mimic culture---rather than collapse in shame---at how much like the world we have become: boisterous, demanding, self-promoting, self-serving, petty---The Apostle Paul says collective yourself. See if you are “dying” to self--- and promoting the Life of the Gospel around you…

From William Hendriksen: Closely associated with idolatry is sorcery. The Greek word is pharmakeia; cf. our “pharmacy.” Though basically pharmakeia is a term without moral implications, it is not difficult to understand how---particularly in an unscientific age---a “mixer of drugs” could be---or could be viewed as being---a “magician.” “Pharmakeia,” accordingly is used here in the sense of sorcery, by means of which mysterious powers were erroneously ascribed to certain articles, formulas, or incantations (Acts 8: 9; 13: 8: 19: 13, 19). The sorcerer generally claimed to have access to this or that super-human power by means of which he plied his trade. The apostle uses the word “sorcery” or “magic” only in this one instance. See, however, also Rev. 9: 21; 18: 23; cf. Ex. 7: 11, 22; 8: 14; Isa. 47: 9…When faith in magic replaces trust in God it is exposed as a form of idolatry.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Galatians 5: 22—24

From John Duncan: Sinning is not a rare thing---but repentance is.

From Jeremiah Burroughs: Oh the poor trifles and toys that men and women cast away the quietness of their spirits for! If a man had a ball made of gold in his hand, and someone on the street cast dirt upon him, would it not be great folly to throw his golden ball at them for revenge? Truly, this is what you do when you cast away your meekness for passion to revenge yourself, when someone crosses your will, or does things to displease you! You cast your golden ball at them when you lose the quietness and meekness of your spirit to gain revenge upon them. Account meekness at a high rate, and do not lose it even for a little while!


Truthful Spirit, dwell with me: I myself would truthful be;

And with wisdom kind and clear let thy life in mine appear;

And with actions brotherly speak my LORD’S sincerity.

Holy Spirit, dwell with me: I myself would holy be;

Separate from sin, I choose and cherish all things good,

And whatever I can be, give to him who gave me thee!

Thomas T. Lynch, 1855

Grace and Peace in Jesus, the Only Redeemer of broken and wretched souls, Pastor Jason