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The Pilgrim Path (7-23-2021)

The Pilgrim Path---Psalm 51

Please get your Bible and look at Psalm 51. What I have done is put together a brief experiential and theological “guide for the soul” based upon the verses of the Psalm. Reason being--- we come to the LORD’S Table this coming Sunday. It is spiritually enriching to “begin” to get ready. Listen to the Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter XXIX, Section One:

Our Lord Jesus, in the night wherein he was betrayed, instituted the sacrament of his body and blood, called the Lord’s Supper, to be observed in his church, unto the end of the world, for the perpetual remembrance of the sacrifice of himself in his death; the sealing all benefits thereof unto true believers, their spiritual nourishment and growth in him, their further engagement in and to all duties which they owe unto him; and, to be a bond and pledge of their communion with him, and with each other, as members of his mystical body.

---v. 1-- Be Gracious LORD, blot out my willful defiance…

---v. 2—Blot out my “missing the mark” (I’m so glad Jesus never missed).

---v. 3—Before Me---many of my sins stand (I’m glad Jesus loved me enough to bear them all).

---v. 4—Blameless is your judgment LORD: Sin is ultimately against YOU…

---v. 5—Behold—I came into the world ready to sin! A true descendant of the First Adam!

---v. 6—Behold—LORD, you want truth—from the inside out! No phoniness!

---v. 7—Be the “deep purging” Redeemer: Let me experience a “present” cleansing!

---v. 8—Be a “bone-setting” wonder LORD! Let me hear JOY again in Jehovah-Jesus!

---v. 9—Be blind to my transgressions! Remind me---You “see” me---only in the Savior!

---v. 10—Bring a “new” heart and spirit to me LORD. The world and sin-- have beaten me down. Build me up in Jehovah-Jesus!

---v. 11—Bring me close to You Holy God of Glory. So remarkably close…You know I’ve wandered off---bring the prodigal home with rejoicing!

---v. 12—Bring “back” a felt sense of redemptive happiness---and help me praise Jehovah-Jesus well!

---v. 13—Bible School may resume: with me humbly showing sinners your paths! Thank God!

---v. 14—Blood-guiltiness: LORD, I may not be free of the material consequences of my transgressions---But from all the guilt ---please free me! The LORD Jesus Christ “takes” the penalty for His Own---what Gospel Glory!

---v. 15—Bathe our tongues in mercy and grace: we want to be instruments of life and healing to those about us as we give them the Truth…

---v. 16—Beasts and altars are not what the LORD ultimately longs to see. The sacrifice HE prefers: broken and contrite hearts…

---v. 17—Broken & contrite hearts are “few” and far between. Offer Jehovah-Jesus “this” sacrifice with delight and resolve…

---v. 18—Build “up” the Church---You will be asked Why you spent so little time on its health and well-being---by the LORD of Glory…

---v. 19—Bring your whole “self” to the LORD (Romans 12: 1, 2). The reasonable act of worship!

From Charles Haddon Spurgeon: Be much in prayer; live much upon the Word of God; kill lusts which have driven your LORD from you; be careful to watch over the future uprisings of sin. The LORD has His own appointed ways; sit by the wayside and you will be ready when He passes by. Continue in those blessed ordinances which will foster and nourish your dying graces; and, knowing that all the power must proceed from Him, cease not to cry, “renew a right spirit within me.”

From John Duncan: Ah! Sin is easily committed…but…it is not easily confessed.


My soul lies humbled in the dust,

And owns thy dreaded sentence just;

Look down, O LORD, with pitying eye,

And save the soul condemned to die.

Then will I teach the world thy ways;

Sinners learn thy sovereign grace;

I’ll lead them to my Savior’s blood,

And they shall praise a pardoning God.

From Psalm 51 / Isaac Watts, 1719

Grace and Peace in Jesus, the Only Redeemer of broken and wretched souls, Pastor Jason