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The Pilgrim Path (8-23-2020)

The Pilgrim Path---Second Timothy 3: 12, 13

Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.


The LORD Jesus Christ said that His people could count on the world hating them (John 15: 18, 19). We do not live by the same standards, need the same approval, or look for the same rewards. The god of this world has “blinded” the minds of lost people (Second Corinthians 4: 4). It is only natural that unregenerate people---unconverted people, show contempt and disdain for the people of God. They may go further. They may require their lives of them---because they will not yield to the worship of what Man dictates--- is most worthy of allegiance and submission.

The Voice of the Martyrs asks special Prayer--- for our Brothers and Sisters in INDIA. Many of them know great trauma. Large numbers are increasingly targeted by Hindu nationalists.

Here are nine specific prayer points to remember for them:

ONE---ask God to provide shelter, food, education, opportunities to fellowship, places to worship and a daily wage (Philippians 4: 19)

TWO---ask God to heal divisions between friends, neighbors and brothers that still fester from the 2008 riots in Kandhamal (James 3: 16, 17)

THREE---ask God to provide for widows and orphans, and help them know Jesus’ comforting presence; meet them in their loneliness through His Spirit (II Cor. 1: 3, 4)

FOUR---ask God to strengthen the faith of those who have wandered away; provide Bibles, good teaching, and sound leaders for those who are searching (Hebrews 13: 9)

FIVE---ask God to restore family relationships weakened by distance and time (Romans 15: 13)

SIX---ask God to create a longing in the hearts of many in the region to know the life-changing power of God’s Son, Jesus Christ (Romans 8: 19)

SEVEN---ask God to rekindle the desire for worship and prayer in the lives of Christians (Psalm 107)

EIGHT---ask God to remind our Brothers and Sisters of their value in HIS eyes, despite what society tells them (Hebrews 12: 2)

NINE---ask God to turn what the enemy intends for evil into good---for God’s Glory (Genesis 50: 20)

From Thomas Watson: Those God saves from hell are not saved from the cross. Should we be exempt from trouble more than the prophets and apostles who marched through briars to heaven? Consider what Christ has already done for you---this should make us content to suffer anything at his hand and say, “Your will be done!” We have been born from heaven; should we murmur at every slight cross? As a son or daughter to the king of heaven: are you troubled at these petty things? Quiet your spirit and bring your will to his, for he has given you honor, made you his son and heir, and will bestow a kingdom on you!

A Prayer from Robert Hawker:

Yes LORD, you are still ministering, still serving. And though I lose sight of you a thousand and ten thousand times, it is plain and most evident that nothing but your strength could carry me through.

In all the blessings of your finished redemption, you yourself are serving up grace to your people.

You did first purchase all blessings with your blood, and now you live to see them administered by your Spirit.

Precious Jesus, you are ever with me. By and by I will be with you. I will see you as you are, and I will be satisfied when I awake with your likeness. Amen.

Grace and Peace in Jesus Christ Our Risen LORD, Pastor Jason