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The Pilgrim Path (9-22-2020)

The Pilgrim Path---Mark 9: 33—37

And they came to Capernaum. And when he was in the house he asked them, “What were you discussing on the way?” But they kept silent, for on the way they had argued with one another about who was the greatest. And he sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” And he took a child and put him in the midst of them, and taking him in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.”


The LORD Jesus exposes his disciples with just a simple question, “What were you talking about on our journey?” He knew. He wanted them to reconsider this incessant desire that we have as human beings for wanting to be the greatest. They had been around Jesus for some time. They were ashamed to even put what they were discussing into words. He was “always” serving. And yet, here they were---getting angry about who would be number one. These arguments invariably followed Jesus’ clear mention of the fact that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of men---be killed, then after three days---rise from the dead (Mark 9: 30—32). The LORD Jesus sat down and rather concisely taught them a powerful lesson:

If you want to be first---

Stop trying to be first---and become a Servant of others--- in My Name

How revolutionary ---How freeing / It takes the Holy Spirit to believe it. Once You believe it---you realize:

---I do not have to make a name for myself

---I do not have to be somebody

---I do not have to fight my way to the top

---I do not have to run over people

---I do not have to take advantage of others

---I do not have to use people to better myself

---I do not have to “pad” my online image

---I do not have to lie on my resume

---I do not have to strive for riches

---I do not have to live for the applause of people

---I do not have to try to control--- everyone and everything

---I do not have to have my name on everything

---I do not have to be afraid of doing the most menial tasks for Jesus

---I do not have to fear being forgotten---Jesus never forgets (even a cup of water in his name)

By the grace of almighty God, I will love the LORD with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength---and my neighbor as myself. If my efforts make the LORD Jesus known---that is all that matters…

It is quite telling that the LORD Jesus then takes a child---and says to the men, “Whoever receives a child---in My Name---receives Me!” How compelling a message from the Savior. We are to serve the needs of the generation to come. These children about us--- are significant. I believe it was John Whitehead who said of children, “they are a message we send--- to a time we will never see.” Are we preparing them with the truth of the Gospel? Are we living it and speaking it before them? What a reminder. Sometimes the younger ones do not gain the time and effort from adults--- that Jesus is showing us that they deserve.

When I was a grad assistant years ago, I spoke in this fine Summer Camp for young people. I remember letting the children in the first week know that if they had “soul business” they needed help conducting---I would be available after the close of the service each night with a few counselors to talk with them. I distinctly remember this 10-year-old boy making a very definite profession of faith in Jesus Christ. He was wonderfully converted. He understood faith and repentance. That is not what gripped me so. The next night---he brought his 8-year-old sister---who had been somewhat reluctant to come forward. She made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ---just as clear as her precious brother! He loved her---and wanted her to be sure of her soul. Children may be aware of spiritual truth---and be changed by it---and demonstrate its glorious realities. My oh my---Let the joy bells ring!


So shall no part of day or night

From sacredness be free:

But all my life, in every step,

Be fellowship with thee.

Horatius Bonar, 1866

Grace and Peace in Jesus Christ Our Risen LORD, Pastor Jason