
Join us for worship services Sundays at 9:30am


Ryan Ogburn
| Music Ministry Director

“The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul.” - Johann Sebastian Bach

As a double major in both Music and Communication Arts, Ryan has had the opportunity to professionally study and practice music over the years culminating in the vast musical knowledge and experience God has so graciously blessed him with today. With the help of Christ and His Spirit, he humbly endeavors to help shape and direct worship at Providence ultimately for God’s glory and our soul’s benefit.

"I consider it a real honor and joy as I continue to serve at Providence, working for and seeking first His Kingdom, ultimately serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My passion and prayer is that God would be most glorified through our worship at Providence through the song and words we lift up in praise to the Most High."