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The Pilgrim Path (1-31-2022)

The Pilgrim Path---Romans 12: 1, 2

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.


One of the most glorious texts in the Pauline Letters is this one, “…the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will (Ephesians 1: 11). There is so much there! We may begin by knowing that the God and Father of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ is doing exactly what is required to make us like his Son. He never makes a mistake with his precious people. HE never chooses unwisely. He is never trying to catch up. His timing---and arrangements are without error. He is without sin (that falls to us). He works “past” our foolishness for his glory---and our soul’s ultimate blessing---Thanks be to God!

There are occasions when I have to apologize to the Master and say, “Forgive me LORD. I have not loved your will. You know what you are doing. Enable me to love your holy purposes!” This can take some doing---because I can be an obstinate and stubborn soul. Yet, the Father is merciful in the way he works with his own. Questions: Have you ever been Jonah-like---in the face of God’s will? Was the ride in the big-fish fun? Did you get angry about your big plant?

Lately I’ve been going back over material in the life of Helen Roseveare (medical missionary / Congo / 1950—60’s). She mentions that she started well---then she got side-tracked with focusing on preparing a home and being comfortable. Surely, we all need to rest---it was an exhausting environment. Her point was that the LORD sent major “corrections” her way in order to reveal to her that HE was no longer her “First Love.” The Holy Spirit dealt with Helen---so she could remove idols from her life---that had gotten priority over the LORD Jesus. Ole Helen keeps getting me back to the Living Christ: “Father---not my will, but thine be done.” Hmmm---whose will is most important anyway?

Here is a prayer (below) from Octavius Winslow. He was a contemporary of both Charles Spurgeon and J. C. Ryle. He is well known for devotional writing. It has really had me thinking about the Will of God. Thought I should share it with YOU.


Jesus, it is my aim divine, hence to have no will but yours.

Let me covenant with you, yours forevermore to be.

This my prayer, and this alone:

Savior, let your will be done!

You to love, to live to you: this my daily portion be.

Nothing to my LORD I give, but from him I must first receive.

LORD, for me your blood was spilled.

Lead me, guide me, as you will.

All that is opposed to you, however dear it be,

From my heart the idol tear.

You shall have no rival there.

Only you will fill the throne.

Savior, let your will be done.

Will you, LORD, in me fulfill

All the pleasure of your will.

Yours in life, and yours in death.

Yours in every fleeting breath.

You my hope and joy alone.

Savior, let your will be done.

From Thomas Watson: Doing God’s will is both your comfort and your crown.

Grace and Peace in Jesus, the Only Redeemer of broken and wretched souls, Pastor Jason