
Join us for worship services Sundays at 9:30am

Music Ministry

“Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.” Revelation 4:11

Our God is indeed worthy of all praise. What an awesome honor and privilege it is to help “tune” hearts to worship each and every Lord’s day, resonating the promises and truths of his Word into the hearts and lives of his people.

Providence enjoys a musically blended style of worship. We have hymns led by piano and a worship band with guitars, bass, keyboard and drums. We also have a choir and other small ensembles that play special music as appropriate throughout the service.

Whatever the style or instrumentation, we aim to sing, play, and lead with excellence for God's glory. Our service is not about any one of us (or about music at all!) but about Him and Him alone. Our sincere hope is that God would be most glorified in our song and worship as we lift our voices in praise to our Lord.

We cordially welcome any and all who love the Lord and desire to lift His name in praise to serve in the Providence Music Ministry. Whether in song (Choir), with voice and instruments (Praise & Worship), or literally magnifying the praises to the Lord (Sound Booth), we invite you to help serve our Lord and God together for the benefit of each other and His Church.

Some basic musical and technical knowledge and experience is helpful, but not always required.

If you are interested in serving in this vital ministry at Providence please reach out to Ryan Ogburn, Music Ministry Director, or just come right up to any of our musicians on Sunday morning!