
Join us for worship services Sundays at 9:30am

What To Expect

Providence is a contemporary church grounded in a rich heritage that echoes the claims of historic Christianity: “Scripture Alone, Christ Alone, Faith Alone, Grace Alone, and for the Glory of God Alone.”

We welcome you to join our church family for worship each Sunday. Morning worship services begin at 9:30am, with discipleship and Sunday school classes following at 11:00am. As you walk in you will be greeted by one of our greeters who will give you a bulletin that is a helpful guide through our worship service. If you have kids, please also ask for a children's bulletin which will give them a few extra ways to help better follow and engage with the sermon.

For first time visitors, we welcome you to also stop by our guest services booth to pick up a complimentary gift either before or after the service.

A time of fellowship and coffee is available between the morning worship service and second hour classes.

On Sunday evening we come together for the service at 6:00pm.

What To Wear

We have a wide variety of life-stages, family sizes, styles, and backgrounds represented in our church. As far as what we typically wear to church, you will see our men wearing everything from jeans and polo shirt to a suit and tie. Our women dress in an equally varied manner.

Our Children

We have nurseries for infants, toddlers, and 2's and 3's that are staffed by volunteers from within our congregation who are trained to provide a safe and inviting place for our children to have their first contact with church. While we encourage our families to worship together whenever possible, we also have a Children's Church class available for 4's and 5's with an age appropriate order of worship filled with praying, singing, and bible reading for those who may not be ready to sit through the sermon.

The Worship Service

You will hear and see scripture being read, prayers, a collection of tithes and offerings, and a combination of both traditional hymns accompanied by piano and more contemporary music accompanied by a praise band as well. There will also be a sermon which will frequently last around thirty minutes.

The Lord's Supper

Once a month we celebrate communion. If you are visiting us and are a member of a bible-believing church, we invite you to participate. This is a sacrament established by Jesus himself so we take it very seriously. If you are not a member of any church, we ask that you would pass the elements down your row and would invite you to speak with one of our pastors or elders at the conclusion of the service. We also have our own children go through a communicant's class and meet with our pastors and elders before we allow them to participate in communion and would ask that, before they participate, you would allow us to speak with your children in the same way once we get to know you.

Baptism & Special Events

On occasion you will also see baptisms, reception of new members and other special events.