
Join us for worship services Sundays at 9:30am

Our History

In the spring of 1987, a core group of believers in Salisbury, Maryland found they shared a common vision for a strongly scriptural, evangelical church.

With the help of the PCA's Mission to North America and Dover, Delaware's Grace Presbyterian Church, the group initiated evening worship services at Salisbury University. Services continued at Bethany Lutheran Church until, providentially, the Board of Salisbury Christian School approached the group with an invitation to meet on its campus. By year's end, the newly established mission church and their organizing pastor (Dal Stanton) were not only meeting for worship at the lower campus of SCS, but also breathing life into the struggling elementary school.

Approximately two years later, in October of 1989, Christ's Community Presbyterian Church (Providence's original name) celebrated its official organization as a 'particular' church and installed its first elders. Then, in the fall of 1993, CCPC called Rev. Paul Dorman to serve as senior pastor. As the young church grew, the need for a permanent home became apparent. In July 1994, the church purchased twenty-eight acres of land on Parker Road and subsequently moved to the upper campus of SCS in the spring of 1996 to accommodate the burgeoning congregation. During the upper campus years, Pastor Dorman led CCPC through much spiritual growth. As God's plan unfolded, Paul Dorman established CCPC's first PCA church plant in Cambridge, Maryland.

With anticipation, the search for a new senior pastor began - concluding with Rev. Jason Shelton, a PCA pastor from Mississippi, accepting the call to assume the helm. Finally, on a beautiful spring Sunday in 2002, after years of prayer and planning for a permanent facility which would honor God, the congregation celebrated their first Easter in a new church home - taking the name "Providence" to acknowledge God's hand in their beginnings and their future.