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The Pilgrim Path (2—1—23)

The Pilgrim Path---Jeremiah 23: 29, 30 (2—1—23)

Is not my word like fire, declares the LORD, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? Therefore, behold, I am against the prophets, declares the LORD, who steal my words from one another.


Not long ago, it was our joy to cover this most fascinating chapter in Sunday Evening Worship. The Lord God Almighty condemns Jeremiah’s antagonistic peers with terrible language. They deserved it---these false prophets. They were satanically driven (23: 13). They were preoccupied with SELF (23: 16). They had the bizarre tendency to “steal” material from one another---and then say, “This is the LORD’S Word to you.” Spurgeon points out that a pitiful by product of false teaching is that “hearers” have hearts that grow increasingly hard toward the TRUTH. This is what Jeremiah witnessed during his 40 plus year ministry. Yet, in the face of these “awful times” of error---Jehovah-Jesus points out that HIS Word is both a fire and a hammer---that does the work of Heaven on earth. Amazing! So, we remain committed to the Word. Always! If we have been seemingly “dead” in spirit--- the Holy Spirit has used the Word to bring us back to life. If we have been in the depths of despair--- the Holy Spirit has used the Word to lift us up. If we have become callous--- the Holy Spirit has used the Word to break our heart and make us compliant to the Savior---Thanks be to God!

Spurgeon presses us: use the Word---when dealing with some of the hardest souls. Speak it out, write it out---give it out. Over time---the Word of God changes people---even spiritually dead souls…

From St. John Chrysostom: Alas, no one is willing to pay attention to Scripture. If we did, deception wouldn’t ensnare us; we’d also be able to free other deceived folk, saving them from dangers. The good warrior isn’t only able to look after himself, but to shield his fellow fighter, freeing him from the enemy’s hatred. As things stand, however, some people don’t even know there are any Scriptures!

From John Duncan: The Word of the LORD is more powerful than any event in providence.

Grace & Peace in Jesus, the Only Redeemer of broken and wretched souls, Pastor Jason