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The Pilgrim Path (2—5—24)

The Pilgrim Path---Proverbs 10: 19, 20 (2—5—24)

When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.

The tongue of the righteous is choice silver; the heart of the wicked is of little worth.


Being in several churches over the decades, you begin to learn a few things by the grace of God. Here is a little pastoral advice---since contemplating these verses:

---We do not need to say, or post---everything on our mind (nor do we need to sendevery email or note we have written).

---We cannot get words back. It is a good idea to limit the distribution.

---It is wonderful to have souls with whom we may discuss life. Find individuals who know the LORD---and know you, and still love you anyway!

---We must work on listening (it is a virtue).

---The Loving Savior Jesus will support us in restraining our lips---as we ask Him throughout the day. Thanks be to God!

---We cannot read the hearts or minds of others. When we think we can---we will say and write things we regret…

---We may choose to encourage people with our words as followers of the LORD Jesus Christ.

Grace & Peace in Jesus, The Only Redeemer of broken and wretched souls, Pastor Jason