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The Pilgrim Path (3-1-2021)

The Pilgrim Path---Acts 9: 23 – 25

When many days had passed, the Jews plotted to kill him, but their plot became known to Saul. They were watching the gates day and night in order to kill him, but his disciples took him by night and let him down through an opening in the wall, lowering him in a basket.


Saul was more than a handful: he was a mindful---a mouthful---and a heart-full once he was transformed by the grace of Almighty God. He was just too much for the Jews in Damascus to cope with. I think of a sports caster who worked for a CBS affiliate in Jackson, Mississippi. When some “baller” had too much game for opponents he would say, “he had too much junk in his trunk!” Well, Saul---was energized and empowered by the Holy Spirit of God. All the Jewish religious leaders could come up with was a murder plot. Their plan became known to Saul. It is interesting that he and his friends did not wait to be “beamed” somewhere else by the Holy Spirit. They did something far more practical: they lowered the man over the city wall in a basket---because the town gates were being “watched.” There is nothing wrong with bypassing the intrigues of evil-doers---for the sake of the Gospel---when all they have in mind is bloodshed. Saul and his friends did exactly the right thing. We must reason and “act” past the wicked--- when the wicked want to silence the Truth---and her Ambassadors. Sometimes we must ride in baskets---Thanks be to God. Sometimes you must hurry past the adversaries of the Gospel---in order to advance the Gospel. Pray and press on!

From Simon Kistemaker: The Jews devise a plan to kill Paul, but through contacts in the community Paul receives information about their plot (compare 23: 16, 30). They are not interested in a sniper attack on Paul’s life. Rather, the Jews work through official channels of local government and intend to achieve their objective to eliminate Paul. According to the parallel passage (II Cor. 11: 32—33), the official government representative in Damascus is not the Roman governor but the ethnarch (governor) appointed by Aretas IV, king of the Nabatean Arabs (9 B. C. –A. D. 40). In the last few years of his life, this Nabatean king took Damascus from Roman control and temporarily ruled it. His governor now gives orders to watch the city gates of Damascus, because he and the Jews want to capture and kill Paul.

From A. F. Muir: The means of checkmating the enemy of souls is reduced to a minimum---a ridiculous, preposterous circumstance, but it is sufficient. And when one compares the huge preparations and complex machinery of Satan with the simplicity of the Divine instrumentalities, the power and wisdom of God are thrown into relief. There are traces of a contempt for Satan in the Bible. Let us take heart, then, as we think of the grim laughter of the angels over abortive schemes and transparent blunders of the prince of darkness.

From J. W. Burn: A chariot of fire is not harnessed when a rope basket will do… How often God rebukes us by setting aside our apparently clever but really cumbrous contrivances and using humble instruments. Shamgar’s ox-goad, Samson’s jawbone, David’s sling and stone, wrought wonders at times impossible to the whole might of Israel…

From Thomas Brooks: God will forever keep house with the humble soul; when once they meet, they never part. There is no such way to be rich, as to be poor and low in our own eyes. This is the way to enjoy HIS company in whom all treasures are.


Let us grow daily in the sanctification of the Spirit, and the death of the flesh. Let us live holy, just, and sober lives, shining as lights in this present evil world. Fill us with your Spirit. Stir us to prayer and watchfulness, reading and meditating on your law.

Have mercy on us, and never leave us to ourselves, nor to our own wills, lusts, or desires. Help us with your good Spirit, that we may continue to the end, be received into glory, and partake of that immortal crown you have laid up for all who love you. Amen.

Arthur Dent


I belong to Jesus,

He will keep my soul

When the deathly waters dark

Round about me roll.

I belong to Jesus,

And ere long I’ll stand

With my precious Savior there

In the glory land.

M. Fraser

Grace and Peace in Jesus, the Only Redeemer of broken and wretched souls, Pastor Jason