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The Pilgrim Path (5-16-2022)

The Pilgrim Path---Proverbs 12: 18

“There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”


There was a minister in the presbytery over 20 years ago that was well known for crying, “Point of order.” He seemed to believe we rarely followed our polity book as we should have in stated meetings. He was typically “good” for re-arranging our docket for around an additional hour or more every time we met---on procedural matters. He also felt the need to harangue the body for perceived poor performance with candidates for the Gospel Ministry. When you have questions on systematic theology, English Bible, the Book of Church Order, sacraments---and some aspects of Church History----someone who thinks very highly of himself---and not very much of others---can create an awfully long meeting for everyone. Some of these “exchanges” that our minister friend initiated were about as pleasant as getting your finger slammed in a car door. The memory of his words---call an ambulance! The EMT’S…

Well, our friend eventually got his parade “rained on”--- by a few folks in his church. Seems his church was just “past” the mission stage---and they were new at a lot of things. The issue of a “budget” came up at church. Hmmm? He was the organizing pastor it seems---but no budget had been issued---of any kind. The presbytery directed him to publish one. Well---the budget he produced had one line---with two numbers: money received / money disbursed. Guess what? The presbytery was not impressed---neither were the people in the church! Of course---the minister got all upset. Said many loud and outlandish things. He did not last at that church ---or in this denomination. All that to say this: it started with many sword thrusts. He was a saint that was hard to be around---and he is not around here any longer. Is it any wonder? So quick to draw a sword…

We must ask the Holy Spirit’s divine aid to “use” our tongue for healing every day. This is what it will require. If we will remember Paul’s admonition in Romans 12: 1 and 2---we can trust the LORD’S enablement and strength. That image is meant to “frighten” us---we don’t want to be driving sword points into people---there is no Gospel Life in that image is there? The blood of Christ the Savior was shed to change our tongue into a life-healing-member---We must remind ourselves of this with great regularity.

The words of a man’s mouth are deep waters; the fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook. Proverbs 18: 4

From John Ploughman (Spurgeon): Fault-finding is dreadfully catching; one dog will set a whole kennel howling, and the wisest course is to keep out of the way of a man who has the complaint called the grumbles. The worst of it is that the foot and mouth disease go together, and he who bespatters others generally rolls in the mud himself before long. “The fruit of the Spirit is love,” and this is a very different apple from the sour Siberian crab which some people bring forth. Good-by, all ye sons of Grizzle; John Ploughman would sooner pick a bone in peace than fight over an ox roasted whole.

From Corrie ten Boom: Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door of resentment and the handcuffs of hatred. It is a power that breaks the chains of bitterness and the shackles of selfishness.

THANK YOU to Ryan Ogburn, the Worship Team, and the Sound Booth---for all the extra work yesterday. You enriched our souls---while our special guest---Adam LeBron (Compassion International) was with us! With appreciate your service for Jesus Christ!

Grace and Peace in Jesus, the Only Redeemer of broken and wretched souls, Pastor Jason