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The Pilgrim Path (5-19-2021)

The Pilgrim Path---Colossians 3: 9 – 11 

Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all.

Do not lie to one another…

When I got to seminary, I really needed a job. I already had a Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. Yet, these credentials were in biblically oriented fields of endeavor (not big on ole Money Magazine’s “ready” hires). When most employers found out I was “there” to get to seminary, they were not too interested in giving me time---they figured I would be leaving too soon. Just not worth the investment. Well, in the providence of God, I met H. R. “Bubba” McCleary. That is exactly what was printed on his business card! He was the local manager for a janitorial company---and a deacon in a PCA Church. He interviewed me at the RTS campus in Jackson. We hit it off, and he arranged for me to show up at---what would be an “intern” property for me: The Southern Farm Bureau building (off the local bypass). I could shadow the site supervisor---and do whatever needed doing (toilets, floors, trash, carpet, stains, etc.). This property was a gem---and a cleaning terror. It was inspected weekly by the assistant manager and two members of the maintenance staff. This property was around 200,000 square feet in size. This would generate an “inspection” to correct list ---on average of three (3) pages, size 11 font (single spaced). You had six days to correct all that was there---before the next inspection list (what a job). Bubba told me if I could hang in there for about three months, I would get my own building---as a site supervisor. I would work from about 5:30 PM until 10 PM (weeknights). Well, true to his word---and that of the District Manager---in around three months, I got my own supervisory position in downtown Jackson, MS. It was around 163,000 square feet. By the grace of God, we were able to work the kinks out of a new crew of 14---and figure out the space---before I started seminary. I held that job until I graduated (it even provided health insurance for my family). I will never forget the kindness of that “big deacon” who sometimes smoked a cigar---who told me that he would get a building for me--- if I just held on. By the way, when you “see” those television shows with buildings all a-glow at night---that is usually because someone is cleaning them. It takes a lot to clean on and on. God carry them…

What is kind of bizarre in this story, is that about three weeks before my graduation from seminary (I had already accepted a call to a church), the District Manager offered me the Branch Manager’s position in Birmingham, AL. Now Ole Albert knew what I had been doing for two and a half years (going to seminary). He talked about “knowing” Jesus Christ himself---yet he figured a company car and a better “offer” in the Steel City might be a whole lot more attractive to me? Now I appreciate the strains businessmen face---and I enjoyed “straining” with my district manager---to improve our service and our profitability (our company was in 42 states). Yet, I could not very well grieve the Holy Spirit? Why---the LORD had other matters in store for me. Besides, many souls had invested a great deal in me to get this far---right? I am grateful to the LORD that He kept me from being tempted. HE had already chosen the correct path for me. Someone else was meant for Birmingham (I hope they prayed a good bit). Believe me---those jobs are hard (managing people who are paid just past minimum wage / a second job for most). When you have made a promise---you and I must do our best to keep it---as the Followers of the Living Christ. God help us ALL!

From J. I. Packer: Putting off the old man and putting on the new man, which God renews (Ephesians 4: 20-24; Colossians 3: 9-10) and being newly created in Christ (II Corinthians 5: 17), corresponds in Paul’s writing to new birth in John’s, and though Paul nowhere says this explicitly, it is plain that the initial inward renewal is the Spirit’s work, as the living that expresses it. All that we ever contribute to our own Christian lives, according to Paul, is folly, inability, and need. Everything that is good, right, positive, and valuable comes from Christ through the Spirit.

From William Whitaker: Christ is our all to free us from dangers and oppositions of Satan since he spoiled and triumphed over him (Col. 2: 15). Also, Christ frees us from the dangers of the threats, allurements, discouragements, promises, smiles, and frowns of the world---“Take heart, I have overcome the world” (John 16: 33). He has overcome it for us, and in some measure in us! Christ fills the souls of believers with all the good which may enable them to be happy---with the sweetness of spiritual enjoyments. He gives us something of heaven here on earth! His grace creates a suitableness and harmony between our souls and heavenly mercies to make us capable of tasting the sweetness of them. “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10: 10). Like the healing Christ wrought in the days of his flesh, he ministers grace upon the souls of those whom he prepares for heaven (Eph. 5: 8; 2: 5, 10).


O that men would Jehovah praise

For all his kindness shown,

And for his works so wonderful

Which he to men makes known!

Because the longing soul by him

With food is satisfied,

The hungry soul that looks to him

With goodness is supplied.

Psalm 107: 1—9 / Book of Psalms, 1940

Grace and Peace in Jesus, the Only Redeemer of broken and wretched souls, Pastor Jason