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The Pilgrim Path (5-26-2021)

The Pilgrim Path---First Corinthians 12: 14 

For the body does not consist of one member but of many.


The Church is the Body of Christ. All His people are to be functioning members of His body (First Corinthians 12: 12 – 31). How do you perceive of the Church? Is it something you “go” to from time to time? Perhaps it is more of a “thing” that you are supposed to “get” from? Do you treat it more as an organization---or is it an organism empowered by the Spirit of the Living God? Are these “people” there---just consumers in some religious club you have chosen to join---or are they part of Jesus’ Body with you---in His enduring and advancing eternal Kingdom? Is the Church playing an “occasional” part in your life---or are you prone to think its endeavors (and people) must play a part in your life because it belongs to the LORD Jesus? How high a view of the Church do you possess? Remember: The Church universal---and local, receive an immense amount of “copy” in the New Testament. So many of the Letters in the NT were written to specific local churches (and they contained actual people). The Holy Spirit continues to use these letters to speak to us and our age. Ask the Spirit to reawaken you to the breadth and depth of Jesus’ Church---and its people (even the people you do not know). The LORD has life and hope for you within the very confines of His Church!

OH, you may say: “Some of those people at Church may hurt my feelings. Some of them may disagree with me. We may know some tension at times.” This will happen---like a family. But the LORD Jesus Christ has provided His Holy Word---and the Holy Spirit to guide us into restoration and resolution---and peace. Please do not forget: We do not remain hermits in hiding from the Church---because of fear of heartache. Thanks be to God!

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Galatians 5: 22—24

From St. Basil of Caesarea (died in AD 379): Other people may be great, strong, and self-assured, I, however, am nothing, and I’m worth nothing. Therefore, I could never assume the burden of even thinking I can cope with life’s affairs without the help of others. I’m well aware that I need the assistance of my brothers, each one of them, more than one needs the other’s help. In fact, the LORD has taught us the need of fellowship from the very way our bodies are made. When I look at my limbs, and see that none of them can get along by itself, how can I think I’m capable of fulfilling life’s duties in isolation? One foot alone can’t walk rightly without the other’s aid. One eye alone can’t see in proper perspective without the other’s cooperation, both seeing together. The sense of hearing is more accurate when both ears receive sound. The hand’s grip is more secure when made by all the fingers in “fellowship” with each other…In the very plan of salvation, the LORD worked to bring about togetherness between things on earth and in heaven, through the blood of His cross. For these reasons, my prayer is that for however many days are left for me here below, I may spend them in harmonious fellowship with others; and when I come to die, I pray that I will die in such peace.

From Joel Beeke: The church being one in Jesus Christ implies that each member of the church has particular tasks to do, just as families share tasks at home. Some of these tasks are prominent, others, more mundane. Paul is directing every member of the church to use his or her gifts for the health and well-being of the church and their fellow members.

From John Duncan: The world is crying out for a working church and a united working church---truthing it in love.


The church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ , her LORD;

She is his new creation by water and the Word:

From heaven he came and sought her to be his holy bride;

With his own blood he bought her, and for her life he died.

Elect from every nation, yet one o’er all the earth,

Her charter of salvation one LORD, one faith, one birth;

One holy name she blesses, partakes one holy food,

And to one hope she presses, with every grace endued.

Samuel J. Stone, 1866

Grace and Peace in Jesus, the Only Redeemer of broken and wretched souls, Pastor Jason