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The Pilgrim Path (5-28-2021)

The Pilgrim Path---First Corinthians 11: 28

Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup.


As you read First Corinthians 11: 17 – 34, it is revealed that factions and divisions did exist within the Church at Corinth. Paul says people thought they were gathering for the LORD’S Supper---but he tells them they were not. Some were too interested in serving themselves. Some were rather inattentive to their brethren with less. He could not commend them. He had to refocus the entire Church upon the Living Christ within the sacrament. Always a grand place to go before coming to the LORD’S Table. We are one with the Savior. As Calvin liked to say, the Spirit takes us up to Jesus in the Supper---we are always knit to Him. The sacrament is a tangible reminder that He is for us---and we are for Him. We take time to examine ourselves. As Joel Beeke asks, “Do I have a living relationship with Jesus Christ the LORD?” This is Communion Sunday: Let’s be prepared as the day approaches…

From John Calvin: If you wish to rightly use the benefit afforded by Christ, bring to it faith and repentance. Trial must be made of these two things if you would come duly prepared. Under repentance I include love, for the person who has learned to so renounce himself that he gives himself wholly to Christ and his service will also, without doubt, carefully maintain that unity which Christ has directed. At the same time, the faith or repentance that is required is not perfect, for some, by urging beyond due bounds a perfection that can nowhere be found, would forever shut out every individual from the Supper. If, however, you seek after the righteousness of God with the earnest desire of your mind, and, humbled by a view of your misery, do wholly lean upon Christ’s grace, you may rest upon it, knowing that through him you are a worthy guest to approach the Table. You are worthy in this respect, that the LORD does not exclude you, even though from another point of view something in you is not what it ought to be. For faith, even when it is just begun, makes worthy those who are unworthy.

From the Scottish Preacher Andrew Gray (1633—1656):

“Some Obstacles---to Love of Jesus?”

---Too much in love with the World ---I John 2: 15

---Too distracted by former attainments---rather than simply seeking to “know” The Savior more fully in every area of life---Philippians 3: 10, 11

---Lacking tenderness in heart and life…

---Discouragement and misbelief captivating our heart---the disciples found sleeping in “sorrow” Luke 22: 45

---Self-indulgence and sloth---Proverbs 20: 4

---Many apprehended difficulties: Proverbs 23: 13, “There is a lion in the way…” The sluggard’s religion has some convictions---but small desires, and no more. Too many other matters to take time for the soul…

Second Peter 1: 10, “be all the more diligent to confirm your calling and election…”

The LORD Jesus Christ is very importunate in it to all within these doors: he is sitting down on his knees, and praying us to be married to himself, and shall we not?

Well then, let us embrace him, and be content to marry him; and the day shall be, when we shall be brought to sing to him forever and ever.

And unto him be glory forever and ever. Amen.


Hasten as a bride to meet him, eagerly and gladly greet him.

There he stands already knocking; quickly, now, your gate unlocking,

Open wide the fast closed portal, saying to the LORD immortal:

“Come and leave your loved one never; dwell within my heart forever.”

Now in faith I humbly ponder over this surpassing wonder

That the bread of life is boundless though the souls it feeds are countless;

With the choicest wine of heaven Christ’s own blood to us is given.

Oh, most glorious consolation, pledge, and seal of my salvation.

Jesus, source of lasting pleasure, truest friend, and dearest treasure,

Peace beyond all understanding, joy into all life expanding:

Humbly now, I bow before you, love incarnate, I adore you;

Worthily let me receive you, and, so favored, never leave you.

Johann Franck, 1649

Translated by Catherine Winkworth, 1858; alt.

Rev. in Lutheran Book of Worship, 1978

Grace and Peace in Jesus, the Only Redeemer of broken and wretched souls, Pastor Jason