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The Pilgrim Path (6-01-2020)

The Pilgrim Path---First John 2:17

"He that does the will of God abides forever."

People were out in protest over the death of George Floyd in over 70 cities across the United States on Saturday. It was sad to see some of the gatherings turn violent. The Mayor of Atlanta, immediately fired two policeman---where video footage revealed unnecessary use of force against demonstrators. The FBI seems to indicate that extremist groups foment violence in several of the more volatile areas. The job of Law enforcement is going to be more difficult than it has been for a very long time. And maybe---Some Americans are starting to understand that people of Color have had to live in a "different" World for a very long time---and it has not been an easy world in which to live...

This is a good day (June 1st), to highlight a word from St. Cyprian of Carthage (200-258). One of the tremendous Western Father's of the early Church. He was a discerning, passionate, spiritually-minded leader of God's Truth---even during a time of awful persecution. He would seal his convictions with his life as a martyr. When the sentence of death was passed upon him, he merely said, "Thanks be to God."

This may be the second time I've shared this? It was worth pulling out again. It is basically St. Cyprian's, "How to live Forever" formulation...

We who desires to live forever should do the will of the everlasting God. Now this is God's will which Christ both obeyed and taught---

Humility in behavior; firmness in faith;

Modesty in speech; fair-mindedness and compassion in all we do;

Self-control in sensual appetite; to be unable to harm others,

And to be able to put up with any harm when it is done to us;

To live at peace with our brothers and sisters;

To love God with all our heart;

To love Him because He is a Father;

To reverence Him because He is God;

To treasure nothing whatsoever above Christ,

Because He treasured us above everything;

To cling with utter attachment to His love;

When there is any struggle for His name and glory,

To show in speech the loyalty with which we confess Christ;

In torture, the strong trust with which we fight for Him;

In death, the endurance by which we are crowned.

This is to aspire to be joint-heirs with Christ;

This is to obey the command of God;

This is to fulfill the will of the Father.

Grace & Peace in Jesus Christ Our LORD, Pastor Jason