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The Pilgrim Path (6-18-2020)

The Pilgrim Path---Mark 5: 35-43 

Please take out your Bible and consider the notes provided below.

Jairus's Daughter / Part Two

---v. 35---Jairus finds out his daughter is dead: The Lord Jesus had taken time to bless and heal the woman with the discharge of blood. Now, at the synagogue ruler's home: death is in charge (or so it seems). From J. C. Ryle: "Death comes to halls and palaces, as well as cottages---to landlords as well as to tenants---to rich as well as to poor. It stands on no ceremony."

---v. 36---Jesus overhearing: Don't fear / Believe...As Martin Luther used to say, "this world is the arena of faith---we must believe the LORD and His Word." This was the testing time for Jairus---it is the testing time for each of us.

---v. 37---Jesus is particular about those who will accompany Him: note especially the reference to the "Big Three"---Peter, James, and John---another remarkable learning time for them. Their Master is no mere man, He is The God-Man.

---v. 38---Jesus came to the home of Jairus: what a commotion. This was the practice in oriental cultures (still find it so in many places). Loud, outward displays of grief. Some people attending may not even be that sincere---but they realize this is to "be" a time of sorrow---So, sorrow is expressed.

---v. 39---Jesus puts the question: "Why such a fuss? Why all this commotion? The child is merely sleeping..."

---v. 40---Jesus is laughed to scorn (they probably think He is an idiot). Well, the Lord Jesus puts the mourners "out" and He brings the parents "in". That simple.

---v. 41---Jesus demonstrates His incredible caring and loving power: He very tenderly takes the little girl's hand and says, "Rise little One."

---v. 42---Just that quickly: The 12 year old girl is up and walking around! Just that quickly---all the people are overcome with awe!

---v. 43---Jesus gives the word: Keep this to yourself (His hour had not yet come). And with the practical attention of a Shepherd of Souls---this word, "Give the girl something to eat."

So---you may have been dealing with disease a long time. No healing yet. What is the Prince of Life doing? He has healed others, why not you? We wonder don't we? Not all the blood bought saints walk the same path to glory. But the Lord Jesus knows what He is doing. Please contemplate these words from the late Dr. David Powlison:

He will see you through and work with you the whole way...God's story makes you just the right size---neither too big nor too have already received something better, which can never be taken away...If your suffering shows forth the Savior of the world, why not me? If you have the privilege of filling up the sufferings of Christ? If He sanctifies to you your deepest distress? If you fear no evil? If he bears you in His arms? If your weakness demonstrates the power of God to save us from all that is wrong? If your honest struggle shows other strugglers how to land on their feet? If your life becomes a source of hope for others? WHY not me? Of course, you don't want to suffer, but you've become willing ---like your Savior, who said, "If it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will" (Matt. 26: 39). Like Him, your loud cries and tears will in fact be heard by the One who saves from death. Like Him, you will learn obedience through what you suffer. Like Him, you will sympathize with the weakness of others. Like Him, you will deal gently with the ignorant and wayward. Like Him, you will display faith to a faithless world, hope to a hopeless world, love to a loveless world, life to a dying world. If all that God promises only come true, then WHY not me?"

Jesus, Savior, pilot me over life's tempestuous sea;

Unknown waves before me roll, hiding rock, and treacherous shoal;

Chart and compass come from Thee: Jesus, Savior, pilot me.

As a mother stills her child, thou canst hush the ocean wild;

Boisterous waves obey Thy will when Thou sayest to them, "Be still."

Wondrous Sovereign of the sea, Jesus, Savior, pilot me.

The LORD guide and Keep You ALL, Pastor Jason