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The Pilgrim Path (8-17-2020)

The Pilgrim Path---Mark 8: 14—21 (8—17—20)

Now they had forgotten to bring bread, and they had only one loaf with them in the boat. And he cautioned them, saying “Watch out; beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.” And they began discussing with one another the fact they had no bread. And Jesus, aware of this, said to them, “Why are you discussing the fact that you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive or understand? Are your hearts hardened? Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear? And do you not remember? When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” They said to him, “Twelve.” “And the seven for the four thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” And he said to them, “Do you not yet understand?”


Anyone in my family would tell you that I am a visitor in the kitchen. I am no cook or baker. All I know about these matters is from cursory observation. I will say this about the New Testament: most of the time the word “leaven” appears---it does not rate very highly---particularly in the Gospels. This passage in Mark chapter 8, is one of those instances.

Here is a definition of “leaven” from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, which is concise and beneficial:
----LEAVEN: a substance (such as yeast) used to produce fermentation in dough or a liquid---especially: Sourdough; used to produce a gas that lightens dough or batter / LEAVEN (verb): to mingle or permeate; to raise (something, such as bread) with leaven / e.g., a sermon “leavened” with humor (lightened)

The LORD Jesus Christ is telling His disciples to be on guard because of the teaching of the Pharisees and the influence of Herod---it is permeated/ mingled with error! Jesus’ disciples may have been around Him for a quite a while---yet they were still susceptible to false teaching---and the influence of worldly people. They were also susceptible to the influence of their own fleshly inclinations…
The LORD Jesus was saying, “LOOK Out!” ---“Be on your Guard!”…Here is the characteristic “leaven” from the groups as listed by Dr. William Hendriksen:

----The Pharisees, Traditionalism (Mark 7: 4, 8)
----Herod and his followers, Secularism (Mark 6: 17 ff.)
----The Sadducees, Skepticism (Mark 12: 18; cf. Acts 23: 8)
----Another basic error of the disciples: Pessimism / lack of sufficient faith--- in their worry about bread ( Matthew 16: 8; Mark 8: 14—21)

From J. C. Ryle: Let us no more trifle with a little immorality or a little lie. Once admit it into our hearts, and we never know how far it may lead us astray. The beginning of departure from the pure truth is like the letting out of waters ---first a drop, and at last a torrent. A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump (Galatians 5: 9). Let us notice the dull understanding of the disciples when our LORD gave them the warning of this passage. They thought that the “leaven” of which He spoke must be the leaven of bread. It never struck them that He was speaking of doctrine. They drew from Him the sharp reproof: “Perceive ye not yet, neither understand? Have ye your heart yet hardened? How is it that ye do not understand?” Believers, converted, renewed, as the disciples were, they were still dull of apprehension in spiritual things. Their eyes were still dim, and their perception slow in the matters of the kingdom of God. We shall find it useful to ourselves to remember what is here recorded of the disciples. It may help to correct the high thoughts which we are apt to entertain of our own wisdom, and to keep us humble and lowly-minded. We must not fancy that we know everything as soon as we are converted. Our knowledge, like all our graces, is always imperfect, and never so far from perfection as at our first beginning in the service of Christ…

From George MacDonald: The disciples, forgetting who is LORD of the harvests of the earth, cannot understand His Word, because filled with the fear of a day’s hunger. He did not trust in God as having given; they did not trust in God as ready to give. We are like them when, in any trouble, we do not trust Him. It is hard on God, when His children will not let Him give; when they carry themselves so that He must withhold His hand, lest He harm them. To take no care that they acknowledge whence their help comes, would be to leave them worshippers of idols, trusters in that which is not…

“Beware the leaven of the Pharisees…” Better to trust in the Living LORD and His WORD!

From Thomas Lye: Creature props are not able to bear the weight of an immortal soul. They are apt to crumble under us. But an almighty God is a rock. He that builds upon him will stand, though the winds blow, and the storms beat upon him (Matthew 7: 25). On this Abraham built his transcendent faith (Romans 4: 21) and David built his impregnable trust (II Samuel 12: 2, 3). Another ground upon which to trust in God is upon his infinite, free goodness, mercy, and bounty. His heart is as tender as his arm is strong. He is no less willing than able to relieve. “As a father shows compassion to his children, so the LORD shows compassion to those who fear him” (Psalm 103: 13). A father who sees his child in need and does not help, forfeits the name of father. He is not a man, but a beast. The LORD is all compassion to his people, yes, and infinitely more than this…

Wherever He may guide me,
No want shall turn me back;
My Shepherd is beside me,
And nothing can I lack.
His wisdom ever waketh,
His sight is never dim;
He knows the way He taketh,
And I will walk with Him.
Anna Laetitia Waring (1823—1910)

Grace and Peace in Jesus Christ Our Risen LORD, Pastor Jason