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The Pilgrim Path (8-2-2023)

The Pilgrim Path---Romans 12: 21 

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.


The Precious Spirit of God has a special purpose for us in just the location He has placed us: We are to overcome evil with good. By prayer and supplication, by word and deed---we strive for God’s honor and the benefit of the people within our sphere of influence. With the Spirit’s Holy power, we cast off the paralyzing pull of mediocrity, monotony, malaise, and man-pleasing. We give ourselves to The King’s Business till He returns or calls us to His presence.

From Charles Haddon Spurgeon: The battle must be fought through to the end and can only close with a decided victory to one or the other side. Soldier of Christ, do you need to debate which of the two to choose, victory or defeat? We are not called to conquer evil with evil---that is the way of the world---but to conquer evil with good. The passage demands not merely passive nonresistance, though that is going a good way, but calls us to active benevolence to enemies. We conquer evil with good with direct and overt acts of kindness; that is, if anyone has done you a wrong, do not only forgive it but avenge it by showing him kindness as well.

From Martyn Lloyd-Jones: We are fighting in the army of the living God, and no privilege on earth is comparable to this. It does not matter what people may do to us as long as we are in God’s army. They can never rob us of the dignity and the privilege and the honor and the glory of having our part to play in this mighty battle of God against hell, light against darkness, truth against lies.

Grace & Peace in Jesus, The Only Redeemer of broken and wretched souls, Pastor Jason