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The Pilgrim Path (9-13-2023)

The Pilgrim Path---John 16: 33 

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”


You cannot buy peace from Amazon. You really cannot get it from Tik Tok or Instagram. You may get offers. If they do not really take you to the Son of Man, in all His fullness---you will come away disturbed and unfulfilled. We cannot find peace within ourselves. The world is certainly a place where people look. If you think you find peace there, you come to understand it is fraudulent and fleeting. Peace flows from a person. The God-Man. Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace. You yield to Him everything. He grants you everything worth possessing---in this life and the life to come. I often recall Corrie ten Boom saying, “Look around---be distressed. Look within---be depressed. Look to Jesus---be at rest.” Will settle the human soul…

From Charles Haddon Spurgeon: What a holy calm there was in the spirit of our divine Master. He was a master of the art of peace. No man ever had more to disturb him, but no man was less disturbed. He could not be turned aside from anything that he resolved to do, for he set his face like a flint (Isaiah 50: 7), and in the doing of it he could not be excited or discouraged, for his spirit was not of this changing world. As the Master had peace in himself, he had a strong desire that all his disciples should have peace. Our Lord Jesus Christ delights to see his people firm, calm, and happy. Let us enjoy the calm of heart that comes of knowing that the reserves of God are infinite and that at any moment they can come to our aid and deliver us should an emergency occur. We shouldn’t be as moveable as the waves but as fixed as stars.

From John Duncan: He who made peace by the blood of his cross comes now and proclaims peace, and he is the peace.

Grace & Peace in Jesus, The Only Redeemer of broken and wretched souls, Pastor Jason