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The Pilgrim Path (7-26-2021)

The Pilgrim Path---Acts 16: 6 – 10 

And they went through the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia. And when they had come up to Mysia, they attempted to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them. So, passing by Mysia, they went down to Troas. And a vision appeared to Paul in the night: a man of Macedonia was standing there, urging him and saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” And when Paul had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go on into Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.


Here we find one of the most remarkable texts within the Book of Acts. The Holy Spirit tells us about a great deal without using much space at all! It is apparent that the Apostles were individuals with keen sensitivity to God. They no doubt found it necessary to fast and pray and seek the LORD. They could ill afford to “waste” time and effort in planning and plotting---so, the Spirit of Jesus prompted them. It is amazing that at this juncture in time---the LORD did not allow the Word to proceed into Asia. A little later---the Spirit of Jesus would “prevent” them from entering Bithynia. Then, in a few days, a vision gives a “clear” indication: “move on” to help those in need in Macedonia with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! What are we to make of all these incredible instances recorded by Dr. Luke ?

---God Almighty is sovereign in the appointment and advancement of the Gospel of Jesus…

---Dependance upon the Living Christ is paramount in all situations---here and abroad…

---The use of strategic means in Mission Endeavor are needed “now” more than ever---particularly in the face of “closed” fields and “unreached” people groups…

---Not just anyone is qualified for the “trail-blazing” works---but if Jesus has called you---He will equip you and prepare you for Gospel endeavor...

---We must pray for Kingdom workers with great regularity---for the stresses and strains are real and rigorous…

---There is No Life---more exciting--- than that of serving the King of Kings and LORD of LORDS!

From Simon Kistemaker: What is the meaning of the Macedonian’s request? The first part of his plea (“come over to Macedonia”) refers to crossing the Aegean Sea (see v. 11). The second part of the plea is a request for help. The verb has the connotation of coming to one’s aid; for instance, the father of the epileptic boy beseeched Jesus, “Help me in my lack of faith” (Mark 9: 24). The request, then, is for spiritual help. The Macedonian man indicates that he is alone; he is speaking on behalf of his countrymen. This plea comes from people who are ready to receive the gospel.

From James M. Boice: We need to understand that “closed doors,” though they are a type of negative guidance, are nevertheless true guidance. If we can learn anything from the apostle Paul here, we learn that negative guidance merely keeps us from where we are not called in order that in God’s time we might come to where God is calling us and will provide blessing. When God closes doors, it is not because he has nothing for us to do. He does not want us to take a vacation. It is to keep us from getting into a work to which we are not called in order that we might be saved for a work to which we are.

From Joseph Parker: A man in earnest, and a man seeking help. There are cowards that run away when poor, ill-used people call for “help.” Christianity is “help” or it is nothing. This is a typical instance. If the Church could have its eyes opened today, it would see every unevangelized country and land in sore strait or difficulty typified in this Macedonian man.

From John Duncan: God has made us evangelists to the world.


The vision of a dying world is vast before our eyes;

We feel the heartbeat of its need, we hear its feeble cries:

LORD Jesus Christ, revive thy church in this, her crucial hour!

LORD Jesus Christ, awake thy church with Spirit given power.

The warning bell of judgment tolls, above us looms the cross;

Around are ever dying souls---how great, how great the loss!

O LORD, constrain and move thy church the glad news to impart!

And LORD, as thou dost stir thy church, begin within my heart.

Anne Ortlund, 1966

Grace and Peace in Jesus, the Only Redeemer of broken and wretched souls, Pastor Jason