The Pilgrim Path (5-28-2021)
The Pilgrim Path---First Corinthians 11: 28...
Keep ReadingThe Pilgrim Path---First Corinthians 11: 28...
Keep ReadingThe Pilgrim Path---First Corinthians 12: 14 ...
Keep ReadingThe Pilgrim Path---First Corinthians 9: 27...
Keep ReadingThe Pilgrim Path---Colossians 3: 9 ...
Keep ReadingThe Pilgrim Path---Colossians 3: 9 ...
Keep ReadingThe Pilgrim Path---Proverbs 16: 23, 24...
Keep ReadingThe Pilgrim Path---Acts 13: 42 ...
Keep ReadingThe Pilgrim Path---Acts 13: 13 ...
Keep ReadingThe Pilgrim Path---Acts 13: 4 ...
Keep ReadingMay 7, 2021 Greetings Dear Providence Family, This has been a week of JOY! ---We were able to open our Church Pavilion on Monday Evening for the Young Life Banquet---what a tremendous ministry! Continue to ask the LORD'S great mercy and strength for Dave Kate Etling and their ongoing service to young souls. ---We were privileged to share space in the main building eac...
Keep ReadingThe Pilgrim Path---Proverbs 31: 30...
Keep ReadingThe Pilgrim Path---First John 2: 17 ...
Keep ReadingThe Pilgrim Path---Matthew 6: 19 ...
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